Social Work - Wollongong Hospital


What the service is

The social worker’s role in the hospital setting is to provide assessment, crisis counselling, information, advocacy and resources for patients and their families. They work with clients around issues such as adjustment to illness, carer stress, ageing, social and emotional issues that may impact on safety or wellbeing as well as providing support to people experiencing grief or loss.

What we do

Social Workers provide psycho-social assessments of patients, referral to services, counselling, work with families, group work and provide education.

What to expect

A holistic service as part of the treating team

How to access this service

Speak with Ward staff

Contact Information

Wollongong Hospital
Loftus Street
Wollongong NSW 2500

8:00am - 5:00pm

Monday to Friday 

After Hours and Weekend Emergency contact

T: 02 4222 5000

How to get there, including by public transport

Bus, University Free Bus, Train and 10 minute walk.

Car parking

Multi storey car park available.  15 minute drop off parking available at Loftus Street entrance 

Advice for disabled in getting to the service

Lifts available to Level 5 Block C. Disabled parking spaces available at Loftus Street entrance.  

For more information on transport options for Wollongong Hospital or visit NSW Public Hospital Parking and Directions website or download the HosPark App from App Store or Google Play.  

Our Staff

Head of Discipline - Social Work

Peter Orr is Head of Discipline for Social Work for the Illawarra and Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD). He brings 35 years’ experience in Social Work and has worked in a variety of settings including hospital, community, and non-government organisations in both Australia and the UK.

Social Workers are located in teams throughout the District, including child and family, aged care, palliative care, mental health, cancer care, sexual assault, domestic violence as well as hospital services. We are committed to providing a comprehensive, professional and timely service.