
In an emergency call triple zero (000)

If you or the patient have any of these symptoms:

  • central or crushing chest pain
  • unconsciousness or suffering a seizure (fit)
  • difficulty breathing or turning blue
  • badly bleeding
  • victim of a severe accident.

Then call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.



Mental Health 24-hour contacts

You can call these crisis lines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 

Emergency 000

If you or someone you are with is in immediate danger, please call 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.

Beyond Blue

Talk to a trained mental health professional any time of the day or night. Calls are confidential. They will listen, provide information and advice and point you in the right direction to seek further support.

Beyond Blue
1300 22 46 36


24-hour crisis support telephone service. Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

131 114

Kids Helpline

A telephone counselling support line for children and young people ages 5 to 25 and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Kids Helpline
1800 551 800

NSW Mental Health Line

A mental health professional will answer your call about mental health concerns for you or someone you are concerned about, including children, teens, adults and older people.

Mental Health Line
1800 011 511

Suicide Call Back Service

National services that provides free 24/7 phone, video and online professional counselling to people who are affected by suicide.

Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467

Emergency Departments

Hospital emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, including public holidays.

The role of emergency departments is to care for emergencies - an illness or injury that is serious and requires urgent attention.

The following emergency departments are located in the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District.

Hospital Address Phone

Wollongong Hospital

384 Crown Street, Wollongong

02 4222 5000

Shellharbour Hospital

15-17 Madigan Boulevarde, Mt Warrigal

02 4295 2500

Shoalhaven Hospital

2 Scenic Drive, Nowra

02 4421 3111

Milton-Ulladulla Hospital

106 Princes Highway, Milton

02 4454 9100


Urgent Care Centre - temporarily closed**

**The Local Health District has extended the temporary closure of the Bulli Hospital Urgent Care Centre until mid-March. This will enable a continuation of the short-term arrangement, which commenced on 24 December last year, whereby available medical staff who’d normally work within the Centre can be redeployed to support the District’s emergency teams. Nursing staff have also been supporting expanded bed capacity within other parts of Bulli Hospital. 

There continues to be no impact on inpatient services at Bulli. Medical care for inpatients will remain unchanged for the duration of this temporary arrangement. The District’s ongoing priority is to ensure that we are able to run our four Emergency Departments at full capacity during this critical time.

The role of the Urgent Primary Care Centre is to specialise in lower acuity presentations, which means minor injuries and illnesses only. It is open from 7am – 10pm every day of the year.

Hospital Address Phone

Bulli Hospital

Hospital Road, Bulli

02 4284 4344

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