Milton Ulladulla Hospital Maternity Services - St Georges Basin Clinic
The Milton Ulladulla Hospital Maternity Services are provided for women living within the local area wishing to birth at Shoalhaven Hospital.
Milton Ulladulla Hospital provides women and their families with an outpatient antenatal clinic for ongoing antenatal care leading up to birth. Women will then be referred from the birth hospital for follow up postnatal care in the home.
They are provided with information, education, and support throughout their pregnancy and postpartum period.
Women can self-refer to this service however they will need a referral from the GP for obstetric appointments.
What to bring
Yellow Antenatal Record Card.
Contact Information
St Georges Basin Community Health Centre
Merriton Street
St Georges Basin NSW 2540
Merriton Street
St Georges Basin NSW 2540
Antenatal Clinic
9:00am to 3:00pm - Tuesdays
Postnatal home visits
7 days a week
Please contact us to discuss fees, Medicare rebates, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, etc...
Illawarra and Shoalhaven Local Health District