Parents Group - St Georges Basin


What the service is

Parents’ groups are open to all parents and take place at most clinics. The group is facilitated by a nurse and offers parents the chance to meet other parents and discuss parenting questions. Child and Family Health Nurses are a free service.

What we do

Provides support, information and guidance with new parents and an opportunity to meet other parents.

What to expect

Parenting information, breastfeeding, infant and child nutrition, child health development, emotional health and wellbeing support in a group environment

How to access this service

Booking required. Provided free of charge

Contact Information

21 Meriton Street
St Georges Basin NSW 2540

Please note - currently on hold

Contact centre for group times
Monday to Friday
8.30am to 5.00pm

Ph: 4443 7646 or 4424 6460

How to get there, including by public transport

Closest bus stop: St Georges Basin Shops – 10 min walk 
Car: 5 minute drive west of Sanctuary Point

Car parking

Parking available

Advice for disabled in getting to the service

Disabled access available