Video modelling

Video modelling is a strategy designed to improve the social skills of students. Video modelling consists of a video-based presentation, which shows students demonstrating the desired behaviour. The student is able to view the video before attempting the task giving them more confidence.

Creating a video

Accordion Content
  1. Define and describe the target behaviour, e.g. putting up a hand to get the teacher's attention or saying 'Hi' when greeted by a peer.
  2. Be specific about the behaviours, e.g. ‘ask to join in’ rather than 'behave properly'.
  3. Script the skill that you want the student to learn.  Write down how the skill starts, what the student should do and how others in the video model might respond.
  4. Identify appropriate peers to be in the video.
  5. Rehearse until the models are able to perform the skill to be described in the script.
  6. Video the models performing the skill they have rehearsed.
  7. Carefully edit the video to remove adult prompts or unnecessary details.
  8. Watch the video with the student, pointing out the important details.
  9. Watch the video whenever needed and prior to the time when the new behaviour can be used.
  10. Provide opportunities for the student to imitate the models and practice the skill.

Video modelling script example:

Accordion Content
  1. Three peers are playing handball.
  2. The student waits until there is a break in play.
  3. The student approaches one of the peers and says 'Hi, can I play?’
  4. The peer says 'Ok, you can go in that square' (pointing to the square).
  5. The student says 'Ok' and goes to the empty square.
  6. All four children play handball.

Video self-modelling

Accordion Content

Self-modelling is a form of video modelling that utilises the learner as the model to provide an opportunity for the learner to view themselves accurately performing the behaviour and view themselves as competent.

There are two distinct categories of video self-modelling:

Positive self-review

Employed for behaviours the individual is capable of producing but does not engage in consistently or as frequently as necessary. This involves capturing footage of the individual in settings and situations in which he or she has the opportunity to perform the targeted skill. The footage is then edited to remove any non-examples and / or performance errors.

Feed forwarding

Implemented for skills in the acquisition stage of learning, during which the individual continues to need prompting and support from an outside agent to accurately perform the skill. This is created by recording the individual engaged in the targeted skill with necessary supports (e.g. prompts and cues) provided. The footage is then edited to remove all supports, leaving an exemplar of the individual appearing to perform the targeted skill autonomously.

If the behaviour persists despite trying a number of interventions, discuss the student’s situation with a supervisor or member of the learning and wellbeing support staff at your school.

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