Maternity Inpatient Services (Maternity Ward)


The Inpatient Unit (Maternity Ward) offers care for antenatal women requiring obstetric care and postnatal care for mothers and babies. Our average length of stay is 2 days, and we aim to discharge women by 10am.

What we do

We care for Antenatal patients and postnatal patients.

When to access this service

The inpatient ward is accessed by needing admission to hospital for care.

What to expect

A hospital admission for obstetric and midwifery care where there is an environment to learn to feed and care for your new baby. Breastfeeding support is provided by our midwives and lactation team.

Who should access this service

Women booked into the Shoalhaven service who require admission to hospital for care.

How to access this service (referrals or no referral necessary)

Women who present with pregnancy related problems antenatal after consultation with a Doctor or women and babies after birth.

What to bring

Toiletries, suitable sleep wear and day wear. Baby clothes and nappies.


Need an Interpreter? Professional interpreters are available if you need help to communicate with staff. Our staff can also ask for an interpreter. The service is free and confidential. We will book the interpreter for you. You can also call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 if you need to speak to us before your appointment. Click here for more information about the Illawarra Health Care Interpreter Service.


Contact Information

Scenic Drive, NOWRA NSW 2541

24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Parking and Public Transport

Driving is the best option as there is no direct public transport to the hospital. There is a train service to Bomaderry which is a 30 min walk to the hospital, there are buses from the Bomaderry station and there are buses from other destinations in the Shoalhaven though they run infrequently.

Hospital car park or street.