Involvement of parents / caregivers

Always try to communicate and collaborate with parents / caregivers when implementing new strategies to encourage appropriate behaviour and develop a student’s social skills. Parents / caregivers are often motivated, willing to work with the school and may have some tips on what works best for their child.

Draw up a behavioural contract

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With the involvement of the student, describe appropriate and inappropriate behaviours and the consequences, rewards and punishments, of each behaviour. Provide copies for the teacher, parent / caregiver and student. Review regularly and update accordingly.

Provide social involvement opportunities

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Confer with parents / caregivers regarding social involvement opportunities for the student, outside of school hours, structured sports or hobbies or play dates with friends. Provide the student as many opportunities as possible to learn and develop social skills.

Show interest in the student

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Consult about the student’s interests or activities that might be useful for discussion or to draw them out in class. Enabling the student to feel recognised and important may result in a reduction in off-task or disruptive behaviour.

Engage the parents / caregiver in the school

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Invite parents / caregiver to volunteer in the classroom if they feel comfortable doing so. For some students having a parent / caregiver in the classroom may be a source of comfort.

Avoid labelling the student

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Refrain from using labels such as ‘shy’ or ‘naughty’ when discussing behaviours with others when the student is present. The label can become internalised, leading to more of that behaviour.

Be consistent at home and school

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Utilise strategies within the home and school environment consistently. By providing parents / caregivers information on any positive behaviour strategies or relaxation techniques which are taught and used in the classroom and encouraging their use at home.

If the behaviour persists despite trying a number of interventions, discuss the student’s situation with a supervisor or member of the learning and wellbeing support staff at your school.

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