Seeking Research Participants
We welcome your opinions and feedback to improve this resource, we would like to invite you to participate in a study.
Alongside the University of Wollongong we are conducting a study into this 'Teacher's Guide', exploring users' opinions on the usability and effectiveness of the resource.
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This resource contains a comprehensive list of interventions that can be used to address problematic behaviours in the Primary School classroom and playground. Two filter questions will lead to a selection of interventions, it is recommended that a range and variety of interventions are selected and used to address each behaviour.
Early Intervention
This resource seeks to suggest some early and ongoing intervention strategies to support a Primary School student in relation to behaviour, which may be affecting their or other student’s capacity to engage educationally or socially. The earlier an effective response to address an unwanted behaviour can be put into place the less likely it will be that the behaviour escalates into something more difficult to manage that could have long term impacts on the student’s life outcomes.
School procedures
This resource does not replace the normal support or discipline processes within a school or classroom. Expectations should be maintained of behaviours not related to these interventions.
Student interventions
Each intervention is categorised as either Social, Environmental, Learning or Communication interventions to provide a quick reference point to support teachers to utilise a variety of instructional modalities. Some interventions contain a variety of ways to implement, select the most appropriate of these depending on the student’s individual circumstances.
Escalating behaviours
In some situations, changing the way we respond to a behaviour will result in an escalation in behaviour from the student for a period of time. If the escalation is significant and potentially damaging to the student or others seek advice on appropriate behavioural management strategies for that student from a direct supervisor, school counsellor, or school welfare staff member.
Existing mental health concerns
If there is a student with a known or suspected mental health concerns, seek advice on appropriate behavioural management strategies for that student from a direct supervisor, school counsellor, or school wellbeing support staff.
If behaviour does not improve
If the behaviour persists despite trying a number of interventions, discuss the student’s situation with a supervisor or member of the learning and wellbeing support staff at your school.
Looking after yourself
Teachers are guides and role models who have a massive influence on a student’s ability to achieve their potential. If teachers’ themselves are not achieving their own social, emotional and educational potential then their chances of assisting students to reach their potential are very much reduced.
Take every opportunity for professional learning and development, accept the support and assistance of colleagues and most importantly speak up and ask for help if feeling under pressure.