For you
Reaching out for help can be difficult. We provide a safe and confidential space for you to talk about your concerns, get helpful information and find out about treatment options.
People often ask us
- Should I be worried about my drug use?
- How do I cut back or stop?
- Where can I get more information on drugs and alcohol?
- What are my treatment options?
- How do I keep myself safe?
If your drug or alcohol use is causing problems in your relationships, work or lifestyle, call us on 1300 652 226.
Looking after yourself
It is always safer not to use drugs but there are strategies that you can use to reduce the risks.
- Consider using less or stopping use
- Learn about the health effects, risks and consequences
- Avoid using alone
- Avoid mixing drugs
- Consider safer ways of using
- Monitor your moods and emotions
- Be prepared and careful
- Consider the safety of others
- Adopt a healthy, balanced lifestyle
Treatment options
No matter what things are like, we can help you find the right treatment option. We can help you to use more safely, cut down or stop
Treatment might include;
- Counselling
- Detox
- Rehab
- Opioid treatment
- and many other kinds of support.
Visit the Programs and Services pages for information.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service
We have Aboriginal health staff to support people who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
We provide:
- Support to people with drug or alcohol issues
- Support to families who are impacted by drug and alcohol use
- Group programs, specifically for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people
- Training for groups and communities
- Links to a range of support services based on needs
Culturally Diverse Support
Professional interpreters are available if you need help to communicate with staff. Drug and Alcohol staff can also ask for an interpreter. The service is free and confidential. We will book the interpreter for you. You can also call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 if you need to speak to us before your appointment.
State-wide support is available to support people from a range of backgrounds or to link them with their local Drug and Alcohol Service.
Information on Drug and Alcohol services (State-wide) is available in:
We have information about our service available in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven:
- Arabic
- Karen
- Chinese
- Macedonian
- Vietnamese
- Italian
- Drug and Alcohol Multicultural resources - Languages other than English: Arabic, Assyrian, Burmese, Cantonese, Chaldean, Farsi, Hazaragi, Hindi, Kirundi, Karenni, Mandarin, Nepali, Swahili, Tigrinya, Vietnamese.
Additional resources for families and carers are available in a variety of languages on the Your room website .
For friends and family
We provide a safe and confidential space for people to talk about their concerns for loved ones. We can provide information on the symptoms of withdrawal and effects of different drugs. Counselling or group work can help you find more effective ways of coping and communicating with your loved ones difficult behaviours.
Fact Sheet: Do you support someone who uses or is dependent on alcohol or drugs
Additional resources for families and carers are available in a variety of languages on the Your room website .
How do I help?
Finding out that someone you know has an issue with alcohol or drugs can be worrying and frustrating. Knowing what to say or what to do may seem difficult but we have support available for you as well as for them.
Some things that might help include:
- Remaining calm when talking with your loved one and knowing when to end the conversation
- Maintaining good boundaries - let the person know what you can do and what you cant do
- Looking after yourself - having time out, opportunities for self care, positive time with friends or family.
How do I know if they need help?
If you want to help, the first step is to see if their use is causing them harm. Some indicators could be:
- They are often feeling sick, low on energy, not looking after themselves and their appearance is changing eg. gaining or losing weight
- You notice changes in their personality, they seem more lethargic or more aggressive, they are experiencing mood swings
- They have been missing days off work or study and are struggling to keep up
- They are in debt, they aren’t paying their bills, there is unexplained spending, they have been borrowing money and not paying it back
- There is an increase in secretive communication or changes in friendship groups
- They have unexplained accidents
Looking after yourself
When someone you know is using alcohol or other drugs, it can be overwhelming. To help you support your loved one, it’s important for you to look after yourself.
- Connect with people who support you
- Ensure all other family members are safe, particularly young children
- Set consistent boundaries and expectations around their behaviour
- Do things that bring you pleasure and help you feel connected, healthy and positive
- Monitor your own substance use
Helpful contacts
- Family Drug Support: 1300 368 186
- Salvation Army First Floor Program Support: 02 4229 1079
- After Hours Drug and Alcohol Information Service: 1800 422 599
- Mental Health Helpline: 1800 011 511
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
Health Professionals
How to refer
Referrals from General Practitioners can be made via the care connect secure messaging system or health pathways.
We value working in partnership with a range of health professionals, for the best outcomes for our clients and community.
We provide health professionals with advice and support via:
- Hospital Consultation Liaison
- Withdrawal Management Team
- Substance Use in Pregnancy and Parenting Service
- Quit Smoking support
- Training – can be tailored to information that your team specifically requires
- Whole of Family Team