Your care, comfort and satisfaction are important to the management and staff of Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District.
Your feedback, whether a compliment or a complaint, is always welcome and helps us improve our services. You can provide feedback in a few different ways - please see below for more information:
I would like to give a compliment or pass on positive feedback
If you'd like to let us know about something we did well, a positive experience you had or the good work of a staff member you can let us know in any of the following ways:
- Talk to the Department Manager or Nurse Unit Manager
- Send an email to
- Post a letter to:
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Compliments
PO Box 239
PORT KEMBLA NSW 2505 - Contact the Hospital Site Manager or Service Manager (see contacts below)
I would like to make a complaint or suggest an improvement
If you'd like to make a complaint or let us know something we need to improve you can do so in the following ways:
- Tell the staff you have a concern. Our staff may be able to resolve your issue immediately
- Let the Department Manager or Nurse Unit Manager know if you feel your concerns have not been addressed
- Contact the Hospital Site Manager or Service Manager through the hospital switchboard or service number (see contacts below)
- Contact the ISLHD Consumer Feedback Manager. If you don't want to discuss your complaint directly with staff at the hospital or service you can contact the District Consumer Feedback Manager:
- Phone: 02 4221 6811
- Email:
- Mail: ISLHD Consumer Feedback Manager
PO Box 239
- Write to the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Chief Executive:
- Email:
- Mail: ISLHD Chief Executive
PO Box 239
- Contact the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) if you do not get any satisfaction from the above steps or don't wish to contact the Health Service directly. The HCCC receives and assesses complaints about health care practitioners and health care services (generally referred to as health service providers). Anyone can lodge a complaint with the HCCC. Complaints must be in writing and the Commission will provide assistance to lodge a complaint to any person who requires it. For more information contact the HCCC:
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 02 9219 7444
- Toll free in NSW: 1800 043 159
- Mail: Locked Mail Bag 18, STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012
Hospital Site Manager and Service Manager Contacts
Accordion Content
- Hospital contact phone numbers
- Ambulatory and Primary Health Care (includes Community Health): 4221 6817
- Drug and Alcohol Service: 4223 8341
- Mental Health Service: 4295 2539
- Oral Health Service: 1300 369 651
Download our Compliments & Complaints Brochures
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