Latest News
- 18 October 2017
Aunty Jean’s Koori Mini-Olympics brings home the gold
Competitors travelled far and wide to attend the 13th Annual Aunty Jean’s Koori Mini-Olympics held at Bomaderry Basketball Stadium in October 2017. - 13 July 2017
Shoalhaven residents get in step
Shoalhaven residents and visitors can now keep track of how far and how much energy they burn while walking. Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) has teamed up with Shoalhaven City Council to Make Healthy Normal with easy to read footpath signs across the Shoalhaven. - 14 June 2017
Project encourages healthy living at Lake Windy
When Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) Primary Health Care nurses notice there were a disproportionately high number of visits to people who lived in caravan parks, they decided to do something about it.