Consumers & Carers Information

Consumer Peer Workforce, Mental Health Service

Consumer Peer Workers (CPW) can support Mental Health Service (MHS) consumers by sharing their experiences of Mental Health Recovery. CPW are happy to sit with MHS consumers and listen to their needs.

The CPW service is available to all consumers of the Mental Health Service - they work with consumers if they are using MHS community or rehabilitation services, or while they are in hospital.

How can a CPW help?

A CPW can help MHS consumers by:

  • Providing support with the Mental Health Review Tribunal
  • Speaking to staff with or for the consumer
  • Assisting a consumer planning to leave hospital
  • Helping a consumer to connect with their community, and
  • Assisting them complete their Consumer Wellness or Safety Plans.

A CPW may do some physical exercise or activities with the consumers; and they will also ask for consumer feedback about how the Mental Health Service meets consumer needs.

This may be through:

  • The ‘Yes Survey’
  • Focus groups
  • Evaluation forms, and
  • Consultation about key mental health documents.

Contact us

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T: 02 4220 7917 or 02 4295 2314


Nowra Community Mental Health - T: 02 4424 7800

Shoalhaven Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Service - T: 02 4421 8002

Opening hours

8:30am to 5:00pm

Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays):

Official Visitors Program (OVP)

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Official Visitors Program (OVP)

Who are Official Visitors?

Official Visitors are people with experience in mental health treatment and care. They are appointed by the Minister for Mental Health and are independent from NSW Health.

What can Official Visitors do?

Official Visitors can assist you to talk to hospital staff, advise you about your rights and about any concerns you may have about your mental health treatment.

How can I talk to an Official Visitor?

You can speak to an Official Visitor when they visit a mental health facility, by phone, In writing or by email.

Official Visitors Program
OVP website
Secure Page