The South Eastern NSW Lived Experience (Peer) Work Framework

The South Eastern NSW Lived Experience (Peer) Work Framework

The South Eastern NSW Lived Experience (Peer) Work Framework  is the first such Framework in Australia and is designed to support the ongoing development of the Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce throughout our District. 


The Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD), Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) and COORDINARE have together developed a Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (Plan) which brings about positive change for mental health consumers, their families and carers.

The Plan has nine priority areas against which key actions require working together across the health system, with consumers and other stakeholders, to provide better integrated care for people with mental illness.

The first priority action of this Plan was to develop a regional Peer Workforce Framework for which the NSW Ministry of Health provided funding to complete this work.


The South Eastern NSW Lived Experience (Peer) Work Framework

This framework is focussed on the practice of Lived Experience work across South Eastern NSW comprising urban, regional, rural and isolated areas. Its purpose is to provide a vision for Lived Experience work across the region and guidance to enable this workforce to develop soundly, assume its rightful place and address key challenges.

The Framework is offered as a regional commitment to guide the future of the Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce.

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