2019 ISLHD Publications

There were a total of 207 publications known to the ISLHD Research Office which appeared in the year 2019 and had one or more authors listed with ISLHD affiliations. 

If you are an ISLHD researcher and one of your publications is missing from this list, please contact the team at ISLHD-Research@health.nsw.gov.au to let us know.

Aged Care, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care

Accordion Content

Ghahramani M, Stirling D, Naghdy F, Naghdy G, & Potter J (2019). Body postural sway analysis in older people with different fall histories. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 57(2):533-542.

Mullan J, Burns P, Mohanan L, Lago L, Jordan M, Potter J (2019). Hospitalisation for medication misadventures among older adults with and without dementia: A 5-year retrospective study. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 38(4):e135-e141.

Vearing R, Casey S, Zaremba C, Bowden S, Ferguson A, Goodisson C, Potter J, Evry N, Charlton K (2019). Evaluation of the impact of a post-hospital discharge Transitional Aged Care Service on frailty, malnutrition and functional ability. Nutrition & Dietetics, 76(4):472-479.

Xavier J, & Cousins J (2019). Bridging the gap: Facilitating transition of adolescents with acquired brain injury to adult services. Brain Injury, 33(1):148.

Allied Health

Accordion Content

Gutke A, Stuge B, Elden H, Sandell C, Asplin G, Fagevik Ols M (2019). The Swedish version of the pelvic girdle questionnaire, cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(7):1013-1020.

Hazzard E, Gulliver S, Walton K, McMahon AT, Milosavljevic M, Tapsell L (2019). The patient experience of having a feeding tube during treatment for head and neck cancer: A systematic literature review. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 33:66-85.

Hewitt L, Stanley RM, Cliff D, Okely AD (2019). Objective measurement of tummy time in infants (0-6 months): A validation study. PLoS One, 14(2):e0210977.

Lambert K (2019). Difficult conversations. Hemodialysis International, 23(3):283-284.

Lambert K (2019). Art and science of designing patient education material for the 21st century. Nutrition & Dietetics: The Journal of the Dietitians Association of Australia, 76(4):493-495.

Lambert K, Mansfield K & Mullan J (2019). Qualitative exploration of the experiences of renal dietitians and how they help patients with end stage kidney disease to understand the renal diet. Nutrition and Dietetics: the Journal of the Dietitians Association of Australia, 76(2):126-134.

Lambert K, Lau TK, Davison S, Mitchell H, Harman A, Carrie M (2019). Development and preliminary results on the feasibility of a renal diet specific question prompt sheet for use in nephrology clinics. BMC Nephrology, 20:48.

Spark M, Farrah M, & Johnston L (2019). Post-operative prescribing of opioids at discharge from hospital. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy, 15(5):E14-E15.

Than T, Alici G, Zhou H, Harvey S, & Li W (2019). Enhanced localization of robotic capsule endoscopes using positron emission markers and rigid-body transformation. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics- Systems, 49(6):1270-1284.

Ambulatory & Primary Health Care

Accordion Content

Lorch R, Bourne C, Burton L, Lewis L, Brown K, Bateson D, Knight V, Ooi C, Hoffman N, Mackson J, Bower H, Stewart M, Moll N, Micallef J, Mooney-Somers J, Donovan B, Kaldor J, Guy R (2019). ADOPTing a new method of partner management for genital chlamydia in New South Wales: findings from a pilot implementation program of patient-delivered partner therapy. Sexual Health, 16(4):332-339.

Cancer Care

Accordion Content

Alnaghy SJ, Causer T, Gargett M, Roberts N, Petasecca M, Oborn BM, Rosenfeld AB, Holloway L, Metcalfe P (2019). A feasibility study for high-resolution silicon array detector performance in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet system. Medical Physics, 46(9):4224-4232.

Aly F, Miller AA, Jameson MG & Metcalfe PE (2019). A prospective study of weekly intensity modulated radiation therapy plan adaptation for head and neck cancer: improved target coverage and organ at risk sparing. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 42:43-51.

Ameli S, Naghdy F, Stirling D, Naghdy G & Aghmesheh M (2019). Chemotherapy-induced fatigue estimation using hidden Markov model. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 39(1):176-187.

Ameli S, Naghdy F, Stirling D, Naghdy G & Aghmesheh M (2019). Quantitative and non-invasive measurement of exercise-induced fatigue. Proceedings of the Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal Of Sports Engineering And Technology, 233(1):34-45.

Archer J, Madden L, Li E, Wilkinson D, Rosenfeld AB (2019). An algorithmic approach to single-probe Cherenkov removal in pulsed x-ray beams. Medical Physics, 46(4):1833-1839.

Biasi G, Stansook N, Petasecca M, Carolan M, Perevertaylo V, Metcalfe P, Lerch MLF, Kron T & Rosenfeld A (2019). IMRT/VMAT QA in heterogeneous media: first experience with a 2D solid-state detector prototype. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 133(1):S247-S248.

Brungs D, Lochhead A, Iyer A, Illemann M, Colligan P, Hirst NG, Splitt A, Liauw W, Vine KL, Pathmanandavel S, Carolan M, Becker TM, Aghmesheh M, Ranson M, Lochhead, A (2019). Expression of cancer stem cell markers is prognostic in metastatic gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma. Anatomical Pathology, 51(5):474-180.

Burigo L, & Oborn B (2019). MRI-guided proton therapy planning: accounting for an inline MRI fringe field. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(21):215015.

Clingan PR, Ackland SP, Brungs D, de Souza P, Aghmesheh M, Garg MB, Ranson RD, Parker S, Jokela R, Ranson M (2019). First-in-human phase I study of infusional and bolus schedules of Deflexifol, a novel 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin formulation, after failure of standard treatment. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 15(3):151-157.

de Leon JF, Kneebone A, Gebski V, Cross S, Do V, Hayden A, Ngo D, Sidhom M, Turner S (2019). Long-term outcomes in 1121 Australian prostate cancer patients treated with definitive radiotherapy. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 63(1):116-123.

Figlioli G, Bogliolo M, Catucci I, Caleca L, Viz Lasheras S, Pujol R, et al. (including Aghmesh M, Greening S). (2019). The FANCM:p. Arg658* truncating variant is associated with risk of triple-negative breast cancer. NPJ Breast Cancer, 5(38).

Girgis A, Durcinoska I, Arnold A, Kaadan N, Miller A, Descallar J, & Delaney G (2019). Phase III non-randomized controlled trial of PROMPT-Care, an eHealth intervention utilizing patient reported outcomes in routine clinical care: Impact on emergency department presentations. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37(15, S):6510.

Haggstrom L, Duong TA, Thomas B, Brungs D, Aghmesheh M, Parmar G (2019). Disseminated intravascular coagulation and melanoma: a novel case occurring in metastatic melanoma with BRAF and NRAS mutations and systematic review. Melanoma Research, 29(5):533-538.

Kam AW, Galvin J, Cherepanoff S, Miller AA, Fung AT (2019). Primary Choroidal Lymphoma Diagnosed with 27-Gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy Choroidal Biopsy. Case Reports in Opthamology, 10:213-220.

Kang S, Wilkinson K, Brungs D, Chua W, Ng W, Asghari R, Chen J, Nasser EH, Mandaliya HA, Maloney S, Winn R, Putnis S, Lee CS, & Lim SH-S (2019). Rectal cancer treatment and outcomes in elderly patients treated with curative intent. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37(S4):678.

Kelly T, Surjan Y, Rinks M, Beech J, Warren-Forward HM (2019). Communication: Preparing undergraduate radiation therapy students for initial clinical patient interactions. Radiography, 25(4):320-326.

Kok P, Yoon W-H, Marschner I, Lord S, Friedlander M, & Lee C (2019). Validation of progression-free survival (PFS) as surrogate endpoint in randomised trials of immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced solid cancers. Annals of Oncology, 30(5):520.

Kueng R, Oborn B, Roberts N, Causer T, Mueller S, Stampanoni MFM, Manser P, Keall PJ & Fix MK (2019). Modeling and measuring clinical electron beams in magnetic fields: investigating the potential of future MR-guided electron therapy. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 195(12):1130.

Li A, Geyer F, Blecua P, Lee JY, Selenica P, Brown DN, Pareja F, Lee SSK, Kumar R, Rivera B, Bi R, Piscuoglio S, Wen HY, Lozada JR, Gularte-Mérida R, Cavallone L, kConFab Investigators (including Aghmesheh M) (2019). Homologous recombination DNA repair defects in PALB2-associated breast cancers. NPJ Breast Cancer, 5:23.

Mohan S, Beydoun N, Nasser E, Nguyen A, Shafiq J, Vinod S (2019). Patterns of follow-up care after curative radiotherapy chemotherapy for stage I-III non-small cell lung cancer. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 15(3):172-180.

Po JW, Ma Y, Balakrishna B, Brungs D, Azimi F, de Souza P, Becker TM (2019). Immunomagnetic isolation of circulating melanoma cells and detection of PD-L1 status. PLoS One, 14(2):e0211866.

Purdie S, Creighton N, White KM, Baker D, Ewald D, Lee CK, Lyon A, Man J, Michail D, Miller AA, Tan L, Currow D, Young JM (2019). Pathways to diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer: a descriptive cohort study. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 29(1):2.

Roach D, Holloway LC, Jameson MG, Dowling JA, Kennedy A, Greer PB, Krawiec M, Rai R, Denham J, De Leon J, Lim K, Berry ME, White RT, Bydder SA, Tan HT, Croker JD, McGrath A, Matthews J, Smeenk RJ, Ebert MA (2019). Multi-observer contouring of male pelvic anatomy: Highly variable agreement across conventional and emerging structures of interest. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 63(2):264-271.

Roberts NF, Patterson E, Jelen U, Causer T, Holloway L, Liney G, Lerch M, Rosenfeld AB, Cutajar D, Oborn BM, Metcalfe P (2019). Experimental characterization of magnetically focused electron contamination at the surface of a high-field inline MRI-linac. Medical Physics, 46(12):5780-5789.

Roberts N, Williams M, Holloway L, Metcalfe P, & Oborn B (2019). 4D Monte Carlo dose calculations for pre-treatment quality assurance of VMAT SBRT: A phantom-based feasibility study. Physics in Medicine And Biology, 64(21).

Sezer A, Gogishvili M, Bentsion D, Kilickap S, Lowczak A, Gumus M, Gladkov O, Clingan P, Sriuranpong V, Rizvi N, Lee S, Li S, Snodgrass P, Navarro M, lowy I, & Rietschel P (2019). Cemiplimab, a human PD-1 monoclonal antibody, versus chemotherapy in first-line treatment of advanced NSCLC with PD-L1 >= 50%. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 14(10, S), S638.

Stansook N, Biasi G, Utitsarn K, Petasecca M, Metcalfe P, Carolan M. Lerch MLF, Perevertaylo VL, Kron T, Rosenfeld AB (2019). 2D monolithic silicon-diode array detectors in megavoltage photon beams: does the fabrication technology matter? A medical physicist's perspective. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 42:443-451.

Utitsarn K, Alrowaili Z, Stansook N, Biasi G, Carolan M, Lerch M, & Rosenfeld A (2019). The effect of an air gap on a 2D monolithic silicon detector for relative dosimetry. Journal of Instrumentation, 14:P06018.

Utitsarn K, Biasi G, Stansook N, Alrowaili ZA, Petasecca M, Carolan M, Perevertaylo VL, Tome WA,  Kron T, Lerch MLF, Rosenfeld A (2019). 2D solid-state array detectors: a technique for in-vivo dose verification at varying effective area. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 20(11):88-94.

Vennin C, Melenec P, Rouet R, Nobis M, Cazet A, Murphy K, Hermann D, Reed DA, Lucas MC, Warren SC, Elgundi Z, Pinese M, Kalna G, Roden D, Samuel M, Zaratzian A, Grey ST, Da Silva A, Leung W Australian Pancreatic Genome Initiative (incl. Chantrill LA), Mathivanan S, Wang Y, Braithwaite AW, Christ D, Benda A, Parkin A, Phillips PA, Whitelock JM, Gill AJ, Sansom OJ, Croucher DR, Parker BL, Pajic M, Morton JPm Cox TR, & Timpson P (2019). CAF hierarchy driven by pancreatic cancer cell p53-status creates a pro-metastatic and chemoresistant environment via perlecan. Nature Communications, 10(1):3637.

Wilkinson K, Kang S, Lim S-S, Lee C, Asghari R, Chua W, Ng WL, Mandaliya HA, Maloney S, Chen J, Nasser EH, & Brungs D (2019). Patterns of adjuvant therapy use and survival outcomes in patients with rectal cancer not receiving neoadjuvant therapy in an Australian cohort. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37(4, S):375.

Young AL, Butow PN, Tucker KM, Williams R, Healey E, Wakefield CE (2019). Health professional and at-risk BRCA young adult perspectives about information needs: What does Gen Y need to know? Journal of Genetic Counselling, 28(6):1154-1165.

Young AL, Butow PN, Tucker KM, Wakefield CE, Healey E, Williams R (2019). Challenges and strategies proposed by genetic health professionals to assist with family communication. European Journal of Human Genetics, 27:1630-1638.

Young AL, Butow PN, Rhodes P, Tucker KM, Williams R, Healey E, Wakefield CE (2019). Talking across generations: Family communication about BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic cancer risk. Journal of Genetic Counselling, 28(3):516-532.

Critical Care

Accordion Content

Bierbaum M, Lystad RP, Curtis K, Mitchell R (2019). Incidence and severity of head injury hospitalisations in Australian children over a 10-year period. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 30(2):189-198.

Bonney A, Mullan J, Hammond A, Burns P, Yeo G, Thomson B, Flynn S, Carrigan T (2019). A case-study of the experiences of junior medical officers in the emergency departments of a metropolitan hospital and rural hospital. The Australian Journal of Rural Health, 27(6):476-481.

Considine J, Shaban RZ, Curtis K, Fry M (2019). Effectiveness of nurse-initiated X-ray for emergency department patients with distal limb injuries: a systematic review. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 26(5):314-322.

Curtis K, Munroe B, Van C, Elphick TL (2020). The implementation and usability of HIRAID, a structured approach to assessment. Australasian Emergency Care, 23(1):62-70.

Curtis K, Kennedy B, Holland AJA, Tall G, Smith H, Soundappan SSV, Burns B, Mitchell RJ, Wilson K, Loudfoot A, Dinh M, Lyons T, Gillen T, Dickinson S (2019). Identifying areas for improvement in paediatric trauma care in NSW Australia using a clinical, system and human factors peer-review tool. Injury, 50(5):1086-1096.

Curtis K, Ramsden C, Considine J, Fry M, & Shaban RS (2019). Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics (3rd ed.), Elsevier (Sydney).

Curtis K, Ramsden C, Considine J, Fry M, & Shaban RS (2019). Quality and Safety. In: Curtis K, Ramsden C, Considine J, Fry M, & Shaban RS (2019). Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics (3rd ed.), Elsevier (Sydney).

Curtis K, Ramsden C, Considine J, Fry M, & Shaban RS (2019). Research. In: Curtis K, Ramsden C, Considine J, Fry M, & Shaban RS (2019). Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics (3rd ed.), Elsevier (Sydney).

Fitzgerald MC, Curtis K, Cameron PA, Ford JE, Howard TS, Crozier JA, Fitzgerald A, Gruen RL, Pollard C & AusTQIP Consortium (2019). The Australian Trauma Registry. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 89(4):286-290.

Foster K, Mitchell R, Young A, Van C & Curtis K (2019). Resilience-promoting factors for parents of severely injured children during the acute hospitalisation period: A qualitative inquiry. Injury, 50(5):1075-1081.

Foster K, Mitchell R, Van C, Young A, McCloughen A, Curtis K (2019). Resilient, recovering, distressed: A longitudinal qualitative study of parent psychosocial trajectories following child critical injury. Injury, 50(10):1605-1611.

Foster K, Mitchell R, Young A, Van C, Curtis K (2019). Parent experiences and psychosocial support needs 6 months following paediatric critical injury: A qualitative study. Injury, 50(5):1082-1088.

Hutchinson CL, McCloughen A, Curtis K (2019). Incidence, characteristics and outcomes of patients that return to Emergency Departments. An integrative review. Australasian Emergency Care, 22(1):47-68.

Jiang O, Asha S, Keady J, & Curtis K (2019). Position of the abdominal seat belt sign and its predictive utility for abdominal trauma. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 31(1):112-116.

Kourouche S, Buckley T, Van C, Munroe B, Curtis K (2019). Designing strategies to implement a blunt chest injury care bundle using the behaviour change wheel: a multi-site mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research, 19(461).

Lago L, Westley-Wise V, Mullan J, Lambert K, Zingel R, Carrigan T, Triner W, Eagar K (2019). Here one year, gone the next? Investigating persistence of frequent emergency department attendance: a retrospective study in Australia. BMJ Open, 9:e027700.

Lystad RP, Curtis K, Browne R, & Mitchell R (2019). Sports injury-related hospitalisations in Australian children: incidence, costs, and trends. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(22):1434-1435.

Lystad RP, Curtis K, Browne R, & Mitchell RJ (2019). Incidence, costs, and temporal trends of sports injury-related hospitalisations in Australian children over a 10-year period: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22(2):175-180.

Murphy M, McCloughen A, Curtis K (2019). Using theories of behaviour change to transition multidisciplinary trauma team training from the training environment to clinical practice. Implementation Science, 14(1):43.

Murphy M, Curtis K, & McCloughen A (2019). Facilitators and barriers to the clinical application of teamwork skills taught in multidisciplinary simulated Trauma Team Training. Injury, 50(5):1147-1152.

Murphy M, McCloughen A, & Curtis K (2019). The impact of simulated multidisciplinary Trauma Team Training on team performance: A qualitative study. Australasian Emergency Care, 22(1):1-7.

Seah R, Holland AJ, Curtis K, & Mitchell R (2019). Hospitalised burns in children up to 16 years old: A 10-year population-based study in Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 55(9):1084-1090.

Shand S, Curtis K, Dinh M & Burns B (2019). What is the impact of prehospital blood product administration for patients with catastrophic haemorrhage: an integrative review. Injury, 50(2):226-234.

Unsworth A, Curtis K, & Mitchell RJ (2019). Hospital readmissions in paediatric trauma patients: A 10-year Australian review. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 55(8):975-980.

Drug & Alcohol

Accordion Content

Black E, Deacon R, Mills L, Dunlop A, Ezard N, Bruno R, Shakeshaft A, Farrell M, Holmes J, Cretikos MA, Montebello M, Reid D, Childs S, Siefried KJ, Mammen K, & Lintzeris N (2019). Characteristics and treatment outcomes of the drug treatment population in New South Wales: Focus on amphetamine type stimulants. Drug and Alcohol Review, 38(SI):S27-S28.

Kelly P, Davis E, Hinsley K, Deane F, Buckingham M, Breeze D, & Adams S (2019). Exploring the landscape of client centred care in the treatment of substance dependence. Drug and Alcohol Review, 38(SI):S61.

McKetin R, Dean OM, Turner A, Kelly PJ, Quinn B, Lubman DI, Dietze P, Carter G, Higgs P, Baker AL, Sinclair B, Reid D, Manning V, Te Pas N, Liang W, Thomas T, Bathish R, Kent M, Raftery D, Arunogiri S, Cordaro F, Hill H, Berk M (2019). A study protocol for the N-ICE trial: A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study of the safety and efficacy of N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) as a pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine ( "ce") dependence. Trials, 20(1):325.

Qian S, Irani M, Brighton R, Yeo W, Reid D, Sinclair B, Bresnahan S, Lynch P, Feng X, Yu P (2019). Investigating the management of alcohol-related presentations in an Australian teaching hospital. Drug and Alcohol Review, 38(2):190-197.

Qian S, Song T, & Yu P (2019). A study design to model clinical management process for the health and wellbeing of patients with alcohol use disorders. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 264:1753-1754.

Health Technology, Literacy and Management

Accordion Content

Song T, Qian S, Cui T, Yu P (2019). The Use of Theory in Mobile Health Interventions for Patient Self-Management of Chronic Diseases. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 264:1982-1983.

Girgis A, Durcinoska I, Arnold A, Delaney GP (2019). Interpreting and Acting on the PRO Scores From the Patient-reported Outcomes for Personalized Treatment and Care (PROMPT-Care) eHealth System. Medical Care, 57:S85-S91.

Mastroianni F, Chen YC, Vellar L, Cvejic E, Smith JK, McCaffery KJ, Muscat DM (2019). Implementation of an organisation-wide health literacy approach to improve the understandability and actionability of patient information and education materials: A pre-post effectiveness study. Patient Education and Counselling, 102(9):1656-1661.

Westley-Wise V, Lago L, Mullan J, Facci F, Zingel R, Eagar K (2019). Trends in unplanned readmissions over 15 years: a regional Australian perspective. Australian Health Review, 44(2):241-247.

Kids & Families

Accordion Content

Dyson RM, Palliser HK, Wilding N, Kelly MA, Chwatko G, Glowacki R, Berry MJ, Ni X, Wright IMR (2019). Microvascular circulatory dysregulation driven in part by cystathionine gammy-lyase: a new paradigm for cardiovascular compromise in the preterm newborn. Microcirculation, 26(2):e12507.

Lingwood BE, Eiby YA, Bjorkman ST, Miller SM, Wright IMR (2019). Supporting preterm cardiovascular function. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology, 46(3):274-279.

Manley BJ, Arnolda GRB, Wright IMR, Owen LS, Foster JP, Huang L, Roberts CT, Clark TL, Fan WQ, Fang AYW, Marshall IR, Pszczola RJ, Davis PG, Buckmaster AG, HUNTER Trial Investigators (2019). Nasal High-Flow Therapy for Newborn Infants in Special Care Nurseries. The New England Journal of Medicine, 380:2031-2040.

Sinclair R, Bajuk B, Guaran R, Challis D, Sheils J, Abdel-Latif ME, Hilder L, Wright IM, Oei JL (2019). Active care of infants born between 22 and 26 weeks of gestation does not follow consensus expert recommendations. Acta Paediatrica, 108(7):1222-1229.

Yeo KT, Lahra M, Bajuk B, Hilder L, Abdel-Latif ME, Wright IM & Oei J (2019). Long-term outcomes after group B streptococcus infection: a cohort study. BMJ Journals – Archives of Diseases in Childhood, 104(2):172-178.


Accordion Content

Cao J (2019). Ileocolic intussusception due to Meckel’s diverticulum in a pregnant adult-descriptive review and case presentation. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 125(SI):24.

Cheung NW, Campbell LV, Fulcher GR, McElduff P, Depczynski B, Acharya S, Carter J, Champion B, Chen R, Chipps D, Flack J, Kinsella J, Layton M, McLean M, Moses RG, Park K, Poynten AM, Pollock C, Scadden D, Tonks KT, Webber M, White C, Wong V, Middleton S (2019). Routine glucose assessment in the emergency department for detecting unrecognised diabetes: a cluster randomised trial. The Medical Journal of Australia, 211(10):454-459.

Cheung NW, Moses RG (2019). Response to Comment on Cheung and Moses. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Is It Time to Reconsider the Diagnostic Criteria? Diabetes Care 2018;41:1337-1338. Diabetes Care, 42(1):e13.

Chow C, Brieger D, Ryan M, Kangaharan N, Hyun K, Briffa T (2019). Secondary prevention therapies in acute coronary syndrome and relation to outcomes: observational study. Heart Asia, 11(1):e011122.

Choy K (2019). Severe hypomagnesaemia with secondary hypocalcaemia due to long-term proton pump inhibitor use: A case series. Internal Medicine Journal, 49(S3):23-24.

Choy K, Luttrell M, & Apostoloski Z (2019). Atypical femoral fractures in association with antiresorptive therapy: A case series. Osteoporosis International, 30(1):S72-S73.

Coombs G, Daley D, Bell J (on behalf of the Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance, including Newton P and Hoddle M), (2019). The Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance(AGAR). Microbiology Australia, 40(2):69-72.

Coombs GW, Daley DA, Lee YT, Pang S, (on behalf of the Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance, including Newton P and Hoddle M). (2019). Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (AGAR) Australian Enterococcal Sepsis Outcome Programme (AESOP) Annual Report 2017. Communicable Diseases Intelligence, 43.

Cumming T, Churilov L, Collier J, Donnan G, Ellery F, Dewey H,  Langhorne P, Lindley RI, Moodie M, Thrift AG, Bernhardt J, AVERT Trial Collaboration Group (including Cox S, Tse C) (2019). Early mobilization and quality of life after stroke Findings from AVERT. Neurology, 93(7):E717-E728.

Dotel R, O'Sullivan MVN, Davis JS, Newton PJ, Gilbert GL (2019). Molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates in New South Wales, Australia, 2012-2017. Infection, Disease & Health, 24(3):134-140.

Douglas E, & Jones A (2019). Non-invasive ventilation according to best practice recommendations: a single site prospective audit. Respirology, 24(SI):202.

Douglas E, Ibrahim N, & Jones A (2019). The man who’d never seen a doctor. Respirology, 24(SI):103.

Flynn A, Campbell L, Vining L, Lam K, Zwar N, Bonney A, & Hasan I (2019). GASP: Integrated approach to managing patients in general practice. Respirology, 24(SI):109.

Fullard K, Clingan E, Cusick P, Valiozis I, Danta M, Moffitt M, & Elison B (2019). 75-seleno-homocholic acid-taurine (sehcat) test: A single-centre audit op14 f study indications, and the influence of results on management. Internal Medicine Journal, 49(S2):26.

Gray R, & Tuft C (2019). Interventions to increase NRT prescription in active smokers admitted with an exacerbation of COPD. Respirology, 24(SI):130.

Halliwell N, Chowdhury S (2019). An intervention in renal artery stenosis can salvage kidneys. Nephrology, 24(3):365.

Huang TW, De Silva K, Allahwala U, Danson E, Karjalainen P, Kajander O, & Bhindi R (2019). In vivo morphologic comparison of saphenous vein grafts and native coronary arteries following non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, 20(1):16-21.

Huang YJ, Lee CY, Cao J, Lee HS, Chang CH, Chen PD, Wu YM (2019). Therapeutic Potential of Plasma Proteins Derived from Umbilical Cord Blood for Acute Liver Failure. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 16(3):1092-1104.

Huynh R, Hyun K, D'Souza M, Kangaharan N, Shetty PC, Mariani J, Kilian J, Hung J, Ryan M, Chew DP, Brieger D (2019). Outcomes of anemic patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome: An analysis of the Cooperative National Registry of Acute Coronary Care, Guideline Adherence and Clinical Events. Clinical Cardiology, 42(9):791-796.

Kumar KR, Davis RL, Tchan MC, Wali GM, Mahant N, Ng K, Kotschet K, Siow SF, Gu J, Walls Z, Kang C, Wali G, Levy S, Phua CS, Yiannikas C, Darveniza P, Chang FCF, Morales-Brice o H, Rowe DB, Drew A, Gayevskiy V, Cowley MJ, Minoche AE, Tisch S, Hayes M, Kummerfeld S, Fung VSC, Sue CM (2019). Whole genome sequencing for the genetic diagnosis of heterogenous dystonia phenotypes. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 69:111-118.

Luu Q, Riordan J (2019). Bad bites? A case report of rapidly progressive painful necrotic lower limb lesions from propylthiouracil-associated vasculitis. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 22(6):1157-1159.

Malik V, McKitrick DJ, Lau DH, Sanders P, Arnolda LF (2019). Clinical evidence of autonomic dysfunction due to atrial fibrillation: implications for rhythm control strategy. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 54(3):299-307.

Morgan J, Breitbarth AK, Jones AL (2019). Risk versus regulation: an update on the state of e-cigarette control in Australia. Internal Medicine Journal, 49(1):110-113.

Murali KM, Mullan J, Roodenrys S, Hassan HC, Lambert K, Lonergan M (2019). Strategies to improve dietary, fluid, dialysis or medication adherence in patients with end stage kidney disease on dialysis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized intervention trials. PLoS One, 14(1):e0211479.

Nindra U, Wonson T, & Fuller K (2019). Delayed CT imaging leading to delays in acute stroke management in regional Australia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 90(E7).

Nindra U, Wonson T, & Fuller K (2019). Time equals brain - Retrospective analysis of thrombolysis in regional Australia to determine factors which influence door to needle time. Archives of Neurology & Neuroscience, 4(5).

Saha M, Menuet C, Sun QJ, Burke PGR, Hildreth CM, Allen AM, Phillips JK (2019). Respiratory sympathetic modulation is augmented in chronic kidney disease. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 262:57-66.

Shen EX, Moses RG, Oats JJN, Lowe J, McIntyre HD (2019). Seasonality, temperature and pregnancy oral glucose tolerance test results in Australia. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19(1):263.

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