What do Kidneys do?
Click here for information about how your kidneys work from Kidney Health Australia: Know your kidneys
How do I know I have Kidney Disease?
Your doctor can organise a kidney health check to look for signs of kidney damage. A Kidney Health Check includes of a blood test, urine test, and blood pressure test.
Am I at risk of Kidney Disease?
Take the test to see if you are at risk: https://kidney.org.au/kidneyrisktest/
People who are at risk of developing kidney disease include patients with:
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Cardiovascular (Heart) Disease
- Obese
- Smoker
- Family history of kidney disease
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin
- Over 60
There are 5 stages of kidney disease; Stage 1 being little kidney damage, to Stage 5 being lots of kidney damage.
The kidney doctor will look at ways to slow the progression and treat causes of kidney disease. If people know they have kidney damage, they can learn how to slow down the damage. The Kidney Disease Nurse will help you to make simple lifestyle changes such as increasing your exercise, and understanding your medications.
For people who have Stage 5 kidney disease approaching dialysis, they will be looked after by our Kidney Disease Nurse. The nurse will help people choose which treatment best suits them. Treatment options include:
- Conservative Care through the Kidney Supportive Care Service
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Transplant
- Haemodialysis either at home or in one of our units.
Community Kidney Education
The Kidney Disease Nurse is also available to provide education to groups in the community including:
- First Nations people and groups including the Aunty Jean’s program.
- Diabetes Service
- Heart Services
- Palliative Care
This education will help people know their risk for Kidney Disease. If you belong to a community group and would like to organise an educational visit from the Kidney Nurse please contact them.
The Kidney Disease Nurse can be contacted on (02) 4222 5443
or via email ISLHD-ChronicKidneyDiseaseCNC@health.nsw.gov.au