Kidney Supportive Care

Our aim is to provide services to help you to live as well as you can. We will help you manage any symptoms of your kidney disease. You might have pain, itchiness, restless legs, nausea or vomiting, or find it hard to sleep. Our service is for people that are on dialysis and also for those that are not on dialysis.

We have a team of people including specialist doctors, nurses, dietitians and social workers.

They will help you manage your symptoms and plan the next stage of your life. If you have a carer, please encourage them to come to the clinic with you and to bring a list of your current medications. It is very important that you keep seeing your kidney doctor as well as coming to this clinic.

The Kidney Supportive Care nurse can be contacted through reception on (02) 4222 5443

More information from Kidney Health Australia can be accessed here.

Social Work Support

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Social Workers provide confidential counselling, support and information for you and your family. We focus on issues related to living, quality of life, not just illness. We can help with important conversations and planning for your future. We can also provide you with information about accessing services and resources e.g.

  • ‘time out’ for carers
  • housing services
  • financial services
  • legal advice
  • help at home and can help you to access these services

Dietitian Support

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The way you eat may help with your kidney disease and your general health.

We can give you advice that can help with problems such as:

  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Taste changes
  • Itching

We can assess your normal diet and make changes for your specific needs.

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