I can give members of the ISLHD Media & Communications Unit details about the condition of a patient
Yes. Part of the Media & Communications Unit's role, mandated by NSW Health, is to provide basic patient condition updates to journalists. When a member of the Unit contacts you, identifies themselves, and asks for details, please assist them.
I can post photos and information about my patients on my personal social media pages
Yes, they are my personal pages and I have security settings in place
No. Patient information is private and confidential, and it is a breach of the Code of Conduct to post any comment about my patients, or anything identifying them on any social media. No social media is private or secure.
I can post and comment anything I like on my personal social media pages
No. As an employee of the District and the NSW Government, you need to follow the Code of Conduct, even when you are not at work. This applies to your conduct on your personal and other social media pages.
I can give a journalist information off-the-record and it won't be published
Yes, off-the-record is a secure way of talking to a journalist, without the risk of the things I say being published in the media.
No, all comments that you make to journalists are "on" the record, even if you agree that it will be an off-the-record conversation. All requests for conversations/interviews with journalists should be passed through the Media & Communications Unit before they are agreed to (an occur), to ensure all government guidelines are followed.
I can go to our local businesses and ask them to donate products for my service to use
Yes, local businesses like to help out our local hospital and this is a good way to get the items that we need.
No. This could be a breach of the Gifts and Benefits policy. All requests for fundraising and donations should be checked with the Media & Communications team prior to being asked for or accepted.
If someone says they want to donate some money to my service, I can send them to the Cashier
Yes, donations can be accepted by all Cashier departments in the District. You can thank the patient or community member who wants to donate and direct them to the Cashier. If you have time, it is good to walk with them there. Another option is to direct them to the "Get involved" button on the top right of the ISLHD website home page.
When I get access to the ISLHD website, I will be able to make some quick content updates without seeking approvals
Yes, if I think the updates are small and unimportant, I can go ahead and log in and make them.
No. All website updates should be approved via your team's internal approval processes before being published on the website. Your Executive Director is the 'owner' and approver of your website section, and your name is linked to all of the website updates that you publish.
I can put the logo on any document or resource that I create in my work
Yes, as I am an employee of ISLHD and NSW Health, I am allowed to use the logo where I see fit, without needing approvals.
No. The NSW Government logo is government property and can only be used with approvals. The materials must follow corporate branding and visual identity guidelines, and a request process through the Media & Communications Unit must be followed.