COVID Safe Summer Resources

People living in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven deserve a huge pat on the back for their patience and understanding over what was an incredibly difficult 2021.

The Illawarra and Shoalhaven have some of the most beautiful places to visit. We love our beaches, open spaces, and parks but we need to work hard to keep these spaces open and safe for the community. This includes continuing to:

  • avoid crowded environments by moving on or spreading out
  • keep a towel length (1.5m) between you and others at the beach (if they’re not from your household)
  • remember to wash or sanitise your hands often
  • wear a face mask in indoor public places or when unable to social distance from others
  • get tested at a testing clinic or use a rapid antigen test - even if you only have the mildest symptom and regardless of your vaccination status
  • stay in if you’re unwell or if you have been tested and are awaiting results
  • ensure that businesses and community organisations have a COVID-Safety Plan to minimise the risk of COVID-19 for staff and customers.

To help spread these messages in a different way, the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District has developed posters and information sheets for use by local business, clubs and/or groups. You can download the posters below.

If you require any further information, please contact the Public Health Unit on 4221 6700 or email


Information sheets


Secure Page