Communications team orientation - Staff communications

Communicating with ISLHD staff

Do you have messages that you want to send out to other ISLHD staff and teams? Wondering how to reach them?

Your channels

ISLHD intranet

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The ISLHD staff intranet is the site for all staff-focused information and communications.

Updates to the intranet are made via the central IT Web Team, and can be requested using a SARA or by calling the Statewide Service Desk.

If you need any advice on content, or have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Media & Communications Unit.

Chief Executive messages

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The Media & Communications Unit looks after the all staff messages from the Chief Executive. If you have something you would like the Chief Executive to communicate to all staff, you can send it to our team. If the message is endorsed by the CE, the Unit will work with yourself and the CE to get the message out to staff.


ISLHD newsletter and Noticeboard

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The Noticeboard is a weekly list of upcoming events, training, notices/announcements and other staff opportunities. It is emailed to you each Tuesday.

You are invited to submit items that you would like to share with a large percentage of the ISLHD workforce. Each item clicks to an intranet or website page link, or to a PDF for more information - so make sure you supply that to include!

The Rounds is the fortnightly staff newsletter, with the more people-focused, magazine-type content. This one is emailed to you on a Friday. All teams are invited to submit articles - remember we have around 9,000 staff across the District doing a wide range of roles. Your daily work, achievements and projects will be very interesting to other teams, so please share! Make sure you include a photo or image, and you get sign-off from your manager for the article to appear.


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These appear on PC, laptop and workstation screens across the District, when the devices 'go to sleep'. They are ideal ways to reinforce your messages to staff.

The Media & Communications Unit can advise and assist with getting these up and running for you.

Note: When deciding on your messaging for these, be aware that many screens can also be seen by patients and members of the public.

Social media

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ISLHD has a number of corporate social media channels - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. In addition to community and other stakeholders, ISLHD staff are a significant audience on these channels. These are a great way to reach staff with community-focused messages.

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