Shoalhaven antenatal clinic offers you care if you live from Gerringong - Tomerong.
Milton Ulladulla midwives will care for you if you live from St Georges Basin - North Durras.
Milton Ulladulla Hospital is a satellite service of Shoalhaven Hospital.
Any care you have at Milton Ulladulla Hospital in your pregnancy will be available to the staff caring for you when you have your baby at Shoalhaven Hospital.
How to get to Shoalhaven Hospital Antenatal Clinic
This clinic is located at 53 Osborne Street, Nowra
Disabled and pram access from the back carpark.
How do I book in?
When you are pregnant we ask you to "book in" so that the hospital has some information on your health, cultural and pregnancy needs. This appointment takes around 90 minutes
Please call 4429 2929 to make your appointment
Our hours are 8.00am to 4.30pm - Ph. 4429 2929.
Please tell us if you would like an interpreter to help you to understand medical language.
If you or your partner are Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander, your booking in can be done by a Midwife at Binji and Boori, an Aboriginal Health service who can provide Antenatal and Postnatal care.
Binji and Boori - Ph - 4423 9900
When you "book in" with the Milton Ulladulla Midwives or Binji and Boori you will automatically be booked in at Shoalhaven Hospital as well.
What do I bring with me?
Any time you visit the hospital or your GP, please have these with you:
- Your antenatal record card (yellow card) - this is given to you by your GP or the hospital. It is important that you always have this card with you. It can be used by doctors anywhere in Australia if you are not in your local area.
- Results of any tests or ultrasounds you have had since your last appointment.
- A GP referral (to the first appointment only)
Who looks after me? (Models of Care)
In most cases, you can choose who looks after you for your care. These are some options available:
MAPS (Midwife Antenatal Postnatal Services)
A small group of midwives will look after you before and after your birth. While you are pregnant these clinics are held at 53 Osborne Street. After your baby is born the same midwives may be able see you and your baby at home.
GP Antenatal Shared Care (GPANSC)
Care is shared between your GP and the antenatal clinic. You will have your baby with a midwife in the Birth Unit at Shoalhaven Hospital. Ask your GP if they participate. For more information click here Antenatal Shared Care
Binji & Boori (AMIHS)
If your baby is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you can have care from the Binji and Boori Midwives and Aboriginal Health Worker before and after your baby is born. Ph - 4423 9900 Please click here for Binji & Boori
Obstetrician Clinic
An Obstetrician will see you for your pregnancy visits. Some women will see an Obstetrician and their MAPS midwife or a GP.
Other services at Shoalhaven Hospital
Midwives, doctors and other health professionals work together to support you and your family for culturally specific care and services for women with social, mental health, drug and/or alcohol issues.
For more information, call the Antenatal Clinic- Phone 4429 2929
What happens in an antenatal appointment?
Every time you come in or see your GP for a pregnancy visit, you will be asked how you are feeling and have baby's growth checked.
We will take your blood pressure at each visit.
We will listen to baby's heartbeat from around 16 weeks gestation and measure the growth of your uterus with a tape measure from about 24 weeks.
This video will show you how we check your baby's growth
We also ask you about your baby's movements. Please click here for more information.
You may be offered to weigh yourself at each visit and may be asked to test your urine.
Pregnancy visits are also your opportunity to have your questions answered. We will offer you education on things relevant to your pregnancy, birth and postnatal period.
Let your Midwife know of anything you would like to discuss or if you are worried about anything.
Routine visits you can expect during pregnancy guide: | |
1st Trimester: |
1st visit: to your GP at 6 to 10 weeks:Health history / physical examination Routine antenatal blood tests Discuss genetic screening Referral to book into hospital 2nd visit: with your midwife at 12 to 14 weeks:Book in to hospital Review blood results/scans Check emotional wellbeing Education about pregnancy |
2nd Trimester: |
3rd visit: with your GP, midwife or obstetrician at 18 to 20 weeksReview ultrasound. 4th visit: with your GP or midwife at 24 to 26 weeksDiscuss Anti D test if you have a negative blood group. Discuss whooping cough/flu/COVID vaccination. Order 26 to 28 week blood test. 5th Visit: with your GP, midwife, and obstetrician 28 to 30 weeksReview 26 to 28 week blood test results. Repeat Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS, a tool to monitor mental health) Anti D at 28 weeks if you have a negative blood group. |
3rd Trimester: |
6th Visit: with your GP or midwife at 30 to 32 weeksUltrasound request if placenta low lying at 20 week scan. Discuss Anti D test results (if required). 7th visit: with your GP, midwife or obstetrician at 34 to 36 weeksOrder Group B Strep swab (GBS), Full Blood Count, ferritin blood tests Anti D at 34 weeks if you have a negative blood group. 8th, 9th, 10th: GP, midwives, obstetrician 37, 38, 39 weeksCheck position and growth of baby. Discuss labour, birth, breastfeeding, support options after birth. 11th visit- obstetrician 40 weeksPlan for birth, Induction of Labour options. Overdue birth management. 12th visit- midwives 41 weeksPlan after due date fetal welfare monitoring |
Day Assessment Unit
Location: Birthing Unit Shoalhaven Hospital
Phone: Day Assessment Unit - Shoalhaven Hospital - 0439 627 825
This is an outpatient unit for pregnancies that need some extra care after 20 weeks gestation. You will be given an appointment time.
Referral is through the antenatal clinics.
If required, midwives in this unit can help to monitor your
- Baby's growth
- Decreased baby movements
- Postdates pregnancies
- Anaemia (low iron)
If you have to come to the Day Assessment Unit, you may have to stay for a few hours.
If you have any concerns about you or your baby please contact the Birthing Unit at Shoalhaven Hospital on 4423 9207
Lactation (breastfeeding) clinic
If you have any questions or concerns about breastfeeding, or have had problems with previous breastfeeding experiences, ask your midwife to refer you to the lactation (breastfeeding) clinic.
This clinic is for women who are still pregnant, and is available at Milton Ulladulla Hospital, St Georges Basin and Shoalhaven Hospital. The District Lactation Consultant who is a qualified midwife and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant manages this clinic.
Classes for Childbirth
For Shoalhaven Hospital
Enquiries: 02 4429 2929
For Milton Ulladulla Hospital
Enquiries: 02 4454 9116
Cost: Virtual Labour and Birth Antenatal Education Workshops are offered free of charge during the period of social isolation
Date: Virtual Labour and Birth Antenatal Education Group Workshops are held every second Saturday at 9.30 a.m.
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes to complete 7 topics and answer any related questions
Venue: Course access is via Pexip Virtual Meeting Room which is a secure Virtual Platform. You will be sent a link to this room prior to your class.
Ask your Midwife for a pamphlet.
Need an Interpreter? Professional interpreters are available if you need help to communicate with staff. Our staff can also ask for an interpreter. The service is free and confidential. We will book the interpreter for you. You can also call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 if you need to speak to us before your appointment. Click here for more information about the Illawarra Health Care Interpreter Service.